EasyPeg Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Negative Image, Brightness or another effect don't work. What's wrong?

It is likely that you accidentally selected a small area of the image. If you did not mark an area of the image while editing this image, please report the bug and include what exactly you have done.

Will there be version for other operating systems or computers?

Linux: maybe
Mac: not planned and very unlikely

When I painted something, undo removes everything I painted. How can I tell undo not to remove everything?

When you finished painting something and it is ok, select "Paint Freehand" or "Paint Line" again. Undo will only remove what you painted afterwards. Hitting undo one more time will effect what you painted before selecting "Paint Freehand" or "Paint Line" again.

How can I convert many bitmaps into jpegs?

Use the thumbnail creator.
  1. Choose the output directory [MainHTMLDir]\[ImageDir]
  2. Add all the images you want to convert to the file list.
  3. Under "General" select "No HTML"
  4. Under "General" select "Images = Thumbnails"
  5. Hit the "Let's Go" button to start.

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